Shareware Grab Bag
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Assembly Source File
224 lines
title SIZE.ASM by Art Merrill
cseg segment para 'code'
assume cs:cseg
main proc far
org 100h
start: jmp begin
banner db lf,'SIZE Vers 1.0 - ',cr,lf,'$'
db 'Copyright (C) 1985',cr,lf,'$'
db 'Ziff-Davis Publishing Company',cr,lf,'$'
lf equ 0ah
cr equ 0dh
dta equ 80h
drive db 0,':'
root db '\'
global db '*.*'
buffer db 65 dup(0)
count dw 0
tot_bytes dw 0,0
disk_bloks dw 0
fix_bloks dw 0
asc_bytes db lf,8 dup(0),' bytes in '
asc_files db 4 dup(0),' file(s)',cr,lf
asc_disk db 8 dup(0),' bytes required on diskette(s)',cr,lf
asc_fix db 8 dup(0),' bytes required on fixed disk',cr,lf,lf,'$'
errmsg db lf,'Invalid parameter(s)',cr,lf
db 'or file(s) not found',cr,lf,lf,'$'
push ds ;set up stack for return
sub ax,ax
push ax
mov dx,offset banner ;print banner
mov ah,9
int 21h
;get current drive
mov di,offset drive ;storage area for drive
mov dx,offset global ;we may need this address later
mov ah,19h ;current disk function
int 21h
add al,41h ;convert to ascii
stosb ;store it
;check for parameters
cld ;clear direction flag
mov di,offset buffer ;set up register for storage
mov si,dta ;start of data transfer area (dta)
lodsb ;get first byte
cmp al,0 ;zero indicates no parms entered
jnz aaa ;parms were entered
call add_global ;add global chars
jmp find_first ;proceed with search
cmp al,2 ;did user enter just '\'?
jnz aac ;no
inc si
cmp al,'\' ;check for backslash
jz aab ;found
jmp error ;not found-error exit
mov si,offset drive ;move drive,backslash and
mov cx,6 ; global chars into buffer
rep movsb
jmp find_first ;proceed with search
cmp al,3 ;did user enter just a drive?
jnz aag ;no
inc si
or al,20h ;make lower case if not already
cmp al,'a' ;is it A or greater?
jge aad ;yes
jmp error ;no-error exit
cmp al,'d' ;is it D or less?
jle aae ;yes
jmp error ;no-error exit
stosb ;store drive letter
lodsb ;get next byte
cmp al,':' ;is it a colon?
jz aaf ;yes
jmp error ;no-error exit
stosb ;store it
call add_global ;add global chars to buffer
jmp find_first ;proceed with search
cmp al,4 ;did user enter drive and \
jnz aah ;no
inc si ;yes-get next byte
mov cx,3 ;get all 3 chars
rep movsb
call add_global ;add global chars to drive and \
jmp find_first ;proceed with search
inc si ;user must have entered a path
lodsb ;load first char
cmp al,0dh ;is it end of entry?
jz find_first ;yes-proceed with search
stosb ;no-store char
jmp aai ;get another byte
mov dx,offset buffer ;start of pathname in memory
mov cx,20h ;attribute to search for
mov ah,4eh ;find first function
int 21h
jnc found_first ;file found-proceed to find next
jmp error ;no file found or invalid path
call tally ;add to running total
mov ah,4fh ;find next function
int 21h
jc count_up ;no more files found
call tally ;add to running total
jmp find_next ;look for another
mov ax,tot_bytes ;low word of total bytes
mov dx,tot_bytes+2 ;high word of total bytes
mov di,offset asc_bytes+8 ;end of output string
call ascii ;convert to ascii
mov ax,count ;get total number of files
sub dx,dx ;clear high word
mov di,offset asc_files+3 ;end of output string
call ascii ;convert to ascii
mov ax,disk_bloks ;total blocks for diskette
mov bx,400h ;1024 decimal=2 clusters
mul bx
mov di,offset asc_disk+7 ;end of output string
call ascii ;convert to ascii
mov ax,fix_bloks ;total blocks for fixed disk
mov bx,1000h ;4096 decimal=4 clusters
mul bx
mov di,offset asc_fix+7 ;end of output string
call ascii ;convert to ascii
mov dx,offset asc_bytes ;start of printout
jmp exit
mov dx,offset errmsg
mov ah,9 ;DOS function - print string
int 21h
main endp
add_global proc near
xchg si,dx ;location of global chars
mov cx,3 ;number of chars
rep movsb
add_global endp
ascii proc near
xchg bp,dx ;save high word
mov bx,0ah ;divisor
mov cl,30h ;conversion for ascii
xchg ax,bp ;get high word
sub dx,dx ;clear register
div bx
xchg bp,ax ;this will be the new high word
div bx ;divide low word + remainder
or dl,cl ;convert new remainder to ascii
mov [di],dl ;quotient into storage
dec di ;step back one byte
cmp ax,0 ;are we done?
jnz aaj ;no
ret ;yes-exit
ascii endp
tally proc near
sub dx,dx ;clear register
inc count ;add 1 more file to count
mov bp,9ah ;location of files size in psp
mov ax,[bp] ;get low word
mov dx,[bp+2] ;get high word
push dx ;save for next step
push ax ;save for next step
mov bx,400h ;1024 decimal=2 clusters
div bx
cmp dx,0 ;is there a remainder?
jz aak ;no
inc disk_bloks ;yes-add another block to running total
add disk_bloks,ax ;add number of blocks to running total
pop ax ;get back low word
pop dx ;get back high word
push dx ;save for next step
push ax ;save for next step
mov bx,1000h ;4096 decimal=4 clusters
div bx
cmp dx,0 ;is there a remainder?
jz aal ;no
inc fix_bloks ;yes-add another block to running total
add fix_bloks,ax ;add number of blocks to running total
pop ax ;get back low word
add tot_bytes,ax ;add low word to running total
jnc no_carry
inc tot_bytes+2 ;bump up high word
pop ax ;get back high word
add tot_bytes+2,ax ;add high word to running total
ret ;exit
tally endp
cseg ends
end start